Archive for December 5th, 2009

Happy Sinterklaas – Annoyed Kitty Day

December 5, 2009

Aaahh, it’s that time of year again, 5 December, Sinterklaas. When people lie to their children and say that there is a man with a white beard that brings them gifts. That this Sinterklaas lives in Spain, and comes to The Netherlands with his black-faced helpers to spread gifts, chocolate letters and pepernoten. Now, don’t forget to leave carrots the old man’s horse, which he rides across rooftops. I know, it’s a little confusing and hard to explain, but that in a nutshell is Sinterklaas.

Since I don’t celebrate Sinterklaas at all, but don’t want to miss out on the holiday cheer, I decided to start my 5 December own tradition: Annoyed Kitty Day. Feel free to share your annoyed cat pics with me, ’tis the season! Astute readers may say: “But catsnstuff, for you, every day is Annoyed Kitty Day!”. Very, very true indeed. My answer to you is that AKD will be celebrated throughout the year, but that on December 5 each year one truly peeved cat will feature prominently here. Now shut it and let me get to these great inaugural Annoyed Kitty Day pictures.

This photo series started with me stalking a cat in the streets, a.k.a. business as usual:

This was followed by my standing in front of the cat in order to get a good shot. This was no mean feat:

I know, these pictures are not up to scratch to the level required to celebrate Annoyed Kitty Day, but they serve as an instruction as to how to get the cat to the stage where the annoyance reaches a true great level. Follow me…
